X-SP/I : It controls the vents position in function of ambient temperature giving opening or closing time pulses, followed by pauses, until to reach the optimal possible position.
X-SP-G/I : It controls also the inflation of the double film cover.
X-SP-R/I : It controls also the on/off heating.
X-SP-WP/I: The version WP, WPG and WPR have wind speed and rain security. Two wind speed thresholds: partial closing and total closing. Programmable maximum openings for wind and rain detection.
X-SP-WP/I : only temperature control.
X-SP-WPG/I : also control of double film inflation.
X-SP-WPR/I : instead of inflation, control of on/off heating.
The X-SP controls the vents position proportionally to the internal temperature: for every degree comprised between the extreme programmable temperatures there is a calculated position.
X-SP-G controls also the double film inflation.
X-SP-R, instead, controls also the on/off heating.
The version WP, WPG and WPR have wind speed and rain security. Two wind speed thresholds: partial closing and total closing. The maximum percentages of opening for wind speed higher than the first threshold and rain detection are programmable.
C-SPORT : Vents opening proportional to temperature. Six models: from 1 to 6 independent compartments controlled at the same time. Wind speed and rain control with limited programmable vents opening, if required by temperature. Total closing for storm.
The WPR models control also the On/off Heating. The WPG models control also the inflation of the double film greenhouse cover.
Minimum and maximum greenhouse temperature recording. Keyboard and display allow an easy visualization of sensors measurements and programming data modifications
The controller is delivered complete of temperature, wind speed and rain sensors. All the controllers can also be delivered for temperature only control, without wind speed and rain sensors.
C-SPORT-x-WPR-SNOW : It controls up to 3 compartments. Same of the C-SPORT-x-WPR, but also with external temperature sensor and detection of possible snow conditions with alarm generation and forced on heating to protect the greenhouse cover from the snow weight.
C-SPORT1-ARWPG : Controller for one greenhouse vents in proportion of internal temperature with limited opening in case of wind speed higher than a first threshold or rain. Total closing for storm. On/Off Heating control. High and low temperature alarms and inflation of the double film.
C-SPORT-CL-WP : The top vents and the side vents are controlled in an independent way, with independent calculated opening position proportional to ambient temperature. Wind speed and rain control with limited programmable opening. The WPR model controls also the On/off Heating. The WPG model controls also the inflation of the double film greenhouse cover. Minimum and maximum greenhouse temperature recording. Keyboard and display allow an easy visualization of sensors measurements and programming data modifications. The controller is delivered complete of temperature, wind speed and rain sensors.
C-UMID-UWP : Dehumidification controller with simultaneous work on vents and on/off heating. Without high humidity it controls vents in proportion of the temperature and on/off heating with different day temperatures and night temperatures, thank to light level sensor. If humidity passes a programmed level, the controller make the temperature rise and it opens the vents after a programmable delay, while the heating keep on working. This causes a quick decrease of the relative humidity. Between the dehumidification processes there is a programmable pause. All the phases are programmable by the user; in this way there’s a significant reduction in energy consumption. The controller can also start a humidification system with programmable nebulization duration and pause duration.
C-UMID-UWPG version controls also the double film inflation.
C-UMID-CL-WP controls also independently side and ridge vents, but not humidification.
C-UMID-CL-WPV controls also the circulation fans, independently, in function of temperature and humidity. The controller is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors (internal) and wind speed, rain presence and light intensity sensors (external). It’s a very convenient solution.
C-AGRIWIND/I : The vents are normally opened and closed step by step (impulse/pause) in function of the internal temperature.
The C-AGRIWIND -DU version, with temperature and relative humidity sensors, also permits a programmable opening of the vents for dehumidification. Double side vents controller: if the wind speed is higher than a first threshold the vents are suddenly closed and, if the temperature requires, reopened with programmable limits considering the wind direction. The wind side can be closed more than the lee side. Also limited closing for rain detection. A relay can be used indifferently for on/off heating or forced ventilation control.
C-AGRIWIND-n : Controllers for the independent control of 1, 2, 3 or 4 compartments. The vents are opened proportionally to internal temperature. Different programmable opening limits in % for lee side and wind side for wind speed greater than a first value. Second value for totally closing. Programmable opening limitation also for rain. The controlled greenhouses can have different angles respect to the wind vane 000° direction.
C-AGRIW-C1 : Top vents control in one compartment. Opening proportional to internal temperature. Wind speed and direction control with independent limitations in % for leeside and wind side. Humidity control with programmable opening for de-humidification. The temperature and humidity sensors are protected in a small white case.
C-AGRIW-C2 : same of the C-AGRIW-C1 but for 2 compartments.
C-AGRIW-CL : Independent top vents and side vents control in one compartment. The side vents are controlled with proper temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction and rain set-points. The top and side vents are controlled in the same way as in the C-AGRIW-C1. The sensors are the same for all the C-AGRIW series controllers.
C-AGRIW-CL2 offers Independent top vents and side vents control in 2 compartments at the same time.