The µAgricomp System is a distributed climate control system where each greenhouse compartment is controlled by a climate computer.
The µAgricomp allows a complete control at the same time of all the equipment and installations present in a modern greenhouse:
• vents in function of temperature and humidity, light intensity, wind speed and direction, rain detection. Side vents are controlled independently of ridge vents.
• air and soil heating systems in function of temperature and humidity.
• screening and shading in function of temperature and light intensity.
• forced ventilation and cooling in function of temperature and humidity.
• fog and mist in function of temperature, humidity and light intensity/radiation.
• CO2, etc.
The distributed Climate Control System µAgricomp is composed by a Master Unit, that is connected to the Meteo Station and controls a chosen compartment, and by a maximum of 98 Slave Units, each controlling one compartment.
All the computers are connected by means of a common serial line (RS485) that can be connected also to a Supervision PC. Through the serial line the Slaves receive the meteo measurements from the Master and the Master receives the ambient data and alarms from the Slaves (Cross control).
Savings in cable length, modularity and availability are the main advantages of a distributed greenhouses control system.
The 4-keys keyboard and the liquid crystal display allow user friendly operations also for not expert people. The mµAgricomp allows to program 3 daily independent functioning periods, in which the user can program all the set-points in a different way: day period, night period and time forced period.
The PC Supervision Program has been expressly developed by Agricontrol to give the user a powerful mean to easily control even very complex greenhouse installations.
The Supervision Program allows the real time visualization, on an animated drawing of each greenhouse, of the measurements made by the different sensors, the visualization of the alarms state and the state of the commands generated by the distributed computers; to create historical files of the measurements and their visualization as graphs or tables; to program the set-points of every distributed computer in a simple form, viewing the 3 periods data on a single page. A supervision PC permits also the connection of an alarm system and a GSM modem. In this way the user can be advised on his mobile phone and receive by SMS internal and external measurements and the state of alarms. Moreover the Supervision Program permits the connection with a remote PC via modem or via internet with the possibility of using the remote PC as it would be the local PC directly connected to the µAgricomp.